In Action:
You need a unique ApplicationId (You can collect from support team).
//$appID can be provided by support team.
$appID= 'AICT***';
//$text will be plain text.
$text= 'testing';
//$sender will be string, character limit 11 without any space.
$sender = 'AICT';
//$number must be with country code and without zero.
$number = '93799888799';
//$type will be integer 0 or 2. 0 for Plain Text and 2 for Arabic Text
$return have 0 or 1.
0=Not Sent and 1=Sent
ARYAN ICT Solutions SMS API URL:***&text=testing&sender=AICT&number=93799888799&type=0
ARYAN ICT Solutions SMS Balance API URL:***