If you use Mac OS X, you don’t need to install a third-party client like PuTTY to connect to your cloud server via Secure Shell (SSH). Terminal is a terminal emulation program included with Mac OS X that you can use to run SSH.
These instructions are for users who are connecting to a new cloud server for the first time. If you’re connecting as a non-root user, replace root in the instructions with your username.
Go to Applications > Utilities, and open Terminal.
A terminal window interface is displayed:
ssh -p 22 username@
You'll need to replace the "22" with whatever port you the server (sshd) is running on. The "username" needs to be the login name. The "@" symbol just tells the client (ssh) that the username you typed in should be used for accessing the IP address you typed in. In the example I gave, that IP address was "", so you'll need to replace it with whatever you need for your server.