The recommended method to install the OpenVPN Access Server is to use the official OpenVPN Access Server software repository. You will need to be logged on to your Linux system either on the console or via SSH, and have root privileges. Then copy and paste the commands below to add the repository to your system, and install the OpenVPN Access Server client bundle and the OpenVPN Access Server package itself. Installing the package 'openvpn-as' will automatically pull in the required client bundle as well.

yum install net-tools
yum -y install
yum -y install openvpn-as


Note: these steps are suitable for a fresh install and for upgrading an existing installation.



The recommended method to install the OpenVPN Access Server is to use the official OpenVPN Access Server software repository. You will need to be logged on to your Linux system either on the console or via SSH, and have root privileges. Then copy and paste the commands below to add the repository to your system, and install the OpenVPN Access Server client bundle and the OpenVPN Access Server package itself. Installing the package 'openvpn-as' will automatically pull in the required client bundle as well.

yum -y install
yum -y install openvpn-as


Note: these steps are suitable for a fresh install and for upgrading an existing installation.


Usually, the client UI is at the address of your server, for example, The admin UI is usually at the /admin/ address, for example, Please note that the web services by default actually run on port TCP 943, so you can visit them at and as well. The OpenVPN TCP daemon that runs on TCP port 443 redirects incoming browser requests so that it is slightly easier for users to open the web interface.

Initially, a single administrative user is added to the system. But it has no password set and therefore cannot be used yet. To use it a password must be set first:

passwd openvpn


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