cPanel increase of disk space usage happening, and it is gone shortly after restarting the environment

The rise in space is coming from your MySQL temporary tablespace that is enabled. Non-compressed, user-created temporary tables and on-disk internal temporary tables are created in a shared temporary tablespace. This information is cleaned up when MySQL restarts ( or when the server reboots).

[12:39:05 server root@server ~]aict# mysql -e "SELECT @@innodb_temp_data_file_path;"
| @@innodb_temp_data_file_path |
| ibtmp1:12M:autoextend        |


-rw-r-----  1 mysql mysql 212G Apr 12 12:39 ibtmp1

More in-depth information about the temporary tablespace can be found in MySQL documentation:

In order to solve this issue edit /etc/my.cnf

Add below:


Then restart the MySQL the issue must be solved now.


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